Marhum Fayyaz Mussa

Name: Marhum Fayyaz Mussa s/o Mussa Nagji
Date of Death: October 02nd, 2023
Date of Burial: October 02nd, 2023
Cemetery: Montreal, Canada

We regret to inform you of the sad demise of Marhum Fayyaz Mussa s/o Mussa Nagji who passed away in Montreal, Canada.

Marhum was the uncle of Br Irshad Dhalla and Brother of Sr Kaniz Dhalla, Sr Yasmin Kanani, Sr Shamim Chatoo, Br Mumtaz Alidina, Br Zulfikar Mussa

May Allah (SWT) grant the departed soul maghferah and a place amongst His chosen ones and grant the family sabre jameel to bear this loss – Ameen

Mu’mineen are requested to:

  • Give sadaqah on behalf of the deceased
  • Surah-e-Fateha
  • Remember with Namaze Hadiya Mayyit after the burial & with Duas of maghferah.

May the Almighty SWT grant the departed soul maghferah and a place among His chosen ones and grant the family patience to bear this loss.


Information provided by Br Irshad Dhalla